August 23, 2022 Tuesday 9:00 am The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with the three Commissioners and the County Clerk present. Clint Walker, Don Hutchison, Rob Harrington, Susan Bancroft, Shane Walker, and Matt Quick were present for some or all of the meeting. Jim announced Clifton had a flat while driving in. He will be in momentarily. Nelson made a motion to approve minutes from the last meeting. Jim seconded. Both approved. Eric Bailey gave an update on asphalt. We have ½ mile left in the Uniontown area. The water pump went out in the laydown machine. Should have it fixed and be back out there later today if not tomorrow. We moved the rock crusher last Thursday to Blake. While our dozer was being repaired; and having the landfill kit put under it, we rented a dozer. We took that dozer out to Shepherd Quarry and cleared out some overburden. We are almost ready for another blast. Culvert crew had a great week last week. 145 th between 54 and Osage they went in and re-ditched and added some culverts and got the area cleaned up a little bit. Tomahawk and 185 th to 195 th we did some more ditching and built the road up. 145 th and Poplar, they did some culvert and ditch work there. 145 th & Range culvert and ditch work there. 135 th & Range and 135 th & Tomahawk and then Poplar & 95 th culvert and ditching in that area. Andy Johnson, in our Noxious Weed Dept, has resigned and taken another position pursuing another career. We’ve got some interest internally. We have a ship ment of chemicals in if anyone needs to get their fall chemicals. BNSF called yesterday and they are going to closing 230 th between Grand and Hackberry tomorrow from 8am to 5pm to do some crossing maintenance. We had our field check on the bridge at 160 th & Fern and everything went well with that. We are moving forward with that project. KOBIP Program with funding to be able to repair bridges that are located on RS roads and off system roads. Rob and Emily have worked hard to get paperwork put together for bridge 518 which is between Valley and 215 th that goes over the railroad tracks. With this program it is a 90/10. Our part would be the 10%. We are clarifying some information that we heard from some of the KDOT people that were there for the field check and we have some bridges on our inventory program that are old metal truss bridges that actually have bridges located right next to them. We have 4 identified now. They are on Yellowstone between 35 th and 65 Highway; 225 th between Poplar and Quail; 255 th and Yale; and 265 th between Xavier and Wagon. With this program they have an incentive to remove the bridges from the inventory list and they will provide $1,000 per linier foot per bridge. This would include bridge 2.0 B.1 Yellowstone 35 th and 65 Highway; bridge 21.0 J.8 on 225 th between Poplar and Quail; bridge 24.0 B.0 255 th & Yale; bridge 25.0 D.0 265 th between Xavier and Wagon. I think we may have more but those are the ones we would be interested in at this time. Clifton made a motion to remove the bridges from inventory as stated by Eric. Nelson seconded. All approved. Jim asked about the money on the big bridge if that is Federal or State money. Eric stated Federal brought down through the state. Jim
asked about the off system roads is the also 90/10. Eric stated that off system is 100%. We would like to look at the one at 160 th & Grand for sure as the farmers have made a path to the west of it to get around. Eric stated there is no guarantee we would be awarded the grant but I believe we should apply. Jim stated that once we get the big one locked in money-wise I would like to look for money to rehab the metal one on the blacktop down by Garland. Eric stated this is going to be an ongoing program. Clifton made a motion that the money received from the inventory bridges be used toward other bridges. Jim seconded. All approved. Nelson asked if Public Works would be responsible for dismantling the bridges. Eric said we will take them off of our inventory list and then he would need to work with Justin and see if we can find someone who may want to purchase the bridges. Greg Post asked about the possibility of annexing Timberhill into Mapleton so that we can get some revenue. Justin stated if the landowner and the city agree then they need permission from the commissioners. Justin stated that legally we would have to have a resolution to do this. Justin stated it would mean additional taxes for the landowner. The commissioners were ok with working on the annex. Bob Reed stated that as of last Friday, at 5pm, all inmates are back. Hopefully, in two weeks we will be fully staffed. Jim stated he appreciated the hard work from Bob Reed to make this happen. Bob thanked his employees, those that stayed and rode out the storm. Thank you to those who have come forward and taken a job. Clifton thanked Bob Reed. Matt Quick stated that he has 3 vehicles in his fleet right now. Was going to try and make it through this year with the 2007 brown chevy. The field appraiser was out in it and stepped on the brakes and heard a clunking noise and brake pedal went to the floor. She found the brake pad on the ground. It’s wore out. Want to get approval to purchase another vehicle to replace that one. We have the money in our vehicle reserve. Jim stated that we want to shop local. Nelson asked if they buy brand new. Matt said new or as close to new so that there is a warranty on them. Also, want to buy something we can work on local. The brown chevy has been in our fleet for over 10 years. Stock is hard to find. They are just getting their 2022 vehicles and they should be getting the 2023’s. Nelson asked if the equipment reserve account county wide. Matt said this account is just for his office. Clifton made a motion to approve Appraisers to use his equipment fund to purchase a vehicle up to $35,000.00. Nelson seconded. All approved. Rob Harrington asked for executive session. Clifton made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships for 20 minutes including 3 commissioners, Justin Meeks, Rob Harrington, Susan Bancroft, and Shane Walker returning here at 9:49am. Nelson seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 9:49am. Nelson seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to go back into executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and
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